From The Ashes
From the Ashes is a journey, with many stops along the way. It is about finding things you have lost, reacquainting yourself with your soul and what truly matters to you. It proves that just because somethings original purpose is no more, it does not mean that its use is over. In fact, the next step can be the best step, the most elaborate chapter of existence. These pieces represent having the bravery and sense of self to say, this is what I am going to do, this is what I think is beautiful and worthwhile, this is the direction I choose to take.
The materials that comprise these pieces are found objects for the most part, cast off things that have been picked up along roadsides, in abandoned buildings and barnyards. I have combined them with natural materials from the farm and land I own including bones, feathers, animal wool and fiber, leaves, thorns, reeds, nut hulls, insects, and more.